PopeLundy the second intends to protest against Antichrist.
Pink Presbyterians have now eventually stated they will protest the proposed visit of Antichrist to the UK. If they are so sound in doctrine as they like everyone to believe why do they not denounce the Queen for intending to meet him?
Why were Pink Ps at the opening ceremony of the Vatican controlled Terrocratic government which has been set up in N. Ireland?
The Free Presbyterian moderator also criticised the "false doctrines of the papacy" and added: "By their actions they not only give credence to his spurious claims — but are betraying the very creeds they once professed to believe, teach and defend."
Why were Pink Ps at the opening ceremony of the Vatican controlled Terrocratic government which has been set up in N. Ireland?
The Free Presbyterian moderator also criticised the "false doctrines of the papacy" and added: "By their actions they not only give credence to his spurious claims — but are betraying the very creeds they once professed to believe, teach and defend."
Why have they never declared the present Terrocratic set up at Stormont as; Unbiblical, Unethical and Immoral?
Psalm 101:7
7 He that worketh deceit shall not dwell within my house: he that telleth lies shall not tarry in my sight
Amen & Amen Sam . .
Once again you have made some excellent points.
You do have a way with words. I do admire your candor . . it's so refreshing.
TRUTH is in short supply these days, but at your blog it is ever in view.
I wonder if Ian Paisley will be leading the vanguard in these "protests" over the pope's upcoming visit to the UK, or if he'll be do busy in the House of Lords with the Baroness.
Such blatant hypocrisy! Who are they to protest the pope when collectively they failed to protest against their own pope, Ian Paisley, for the power-sharing alliance he formed with SF/IRA, and absolved him of any wrongdoing at the now infamous FPC Presbytery Meeting of Sept. 2007.
It truly beggars belief!
Mrs. O'Leary
I do not know if you are aware of this or not. This particular period of time coming up to the 12th of July is a very popular time for espousing anti babylonian rhetoric.
On the topic of the Antichrist visit, it has taken them almost 2 years for them to make this statement.
A few weeks ago some character wrote to Eric Jon Phelps extolling the virtues of PopeLundy, telling Phelps he had called the Pope the Antichrist!
Phelps lambasted him and said, "anyone can call the pope the antichrist, he has never told the Bristish people the Queen is controlled by the antichrist, as is the so-called "British" political system" (these are not the exact words but you cam look it up for yourself)
Most of theses wimps are in the OO and such like, it makes them look good to be seen apparently taking a strong "Protestant" stand.
Not one of them tries to explain why the Queen is so willing to grovel to Popery.
The details of the epic Pink P meeting you refer to has never been fully disclosed as far as I know.
PopeLundy went into the meeting fully intending to force a vote which he thought he would win.
As the meeting progressed he took cold feet and never forced the issue.
It has brought about a situation were you have a "religious organisation" masquarading as a Bible believing Church. LUKEWARM is the perfect description given in Revelation.
If you are aware of British comedy culture there is a famous BBC sitcom named "PORRIDGE" it contains a character called LUKEWARM, a perfect Pink P stereotype it seems. You can look it up on youtube.
At the minute they are deluding themselves with the notion Donaldson and McCrea would not have stood in elections if the stories about them are true! BUT I can guarantee you they will not make McCrea take legal action againt the Bohemians website! If they do it will be bye bye DUP and bye bye Pink Pres Church!
Sam wrote:
"A few weeks ago some character wrote to Eric Jon Phelps extolling the virtues of PopeLundy, telling Phelps he had called the Pope the Antichrist!"
I did not find that exchange, but I did find this:
"here: http://truthseeker2473.blogspot.com/2010/01/religious-history-and-jesuits.html
"I consider all of Ireland to now be Roman Catholic as of Ian Paisley's betrayal and compromise with the murderous Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor Jerry Adams---the IRA/British Intelligence agent. I know for a fact that the Protestant churches in Northern Ireland are weak and apostate, and even apologetic of their Reformation AV1611 Bible and historic grandeur of their once White Protestant Irish culture, a culture that built massive, seaworthy ships including the Titanic.
This brings me to another topic. I consider Ian Paisley to have been turned many years ago to be a covert Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor. There are two reasons for this conclusion. First, Paisley had NEVER EVER stated that the Queen of England is controlled by the pope of Rome and his Jesuits. This is no oversight, but a blatant, froward decision not to connect Benedict XVI to Elizabeth II---that Dame of Malta, Bilderberger and servant of the pope. The question is "Why" would the brilliant, learned and experienced Ian Paisley not make this obvious connection for the benefit of his own Irish Bible-believing Protestant and Baptist people of Northern Ireland?
The reason is simple. The Protestantism of Northern Ireland was to be overthrown by the Jesuit/papacy ruling the Crown and Parliament of England via pro-papacy, Protestant English Freemasonry. That was the Order's secret-but-true policy. The open-but-false policy was to create the controlled enemy of the IRA---overseen by MI5/MI6---that would give the appearance to the deceived Northern Irish Protestants that they were, in fact, under threat of extermination from within Ireland---from the Roman Catholics! And this open-but-false policy was constantly trumped in the Jesuit-ruled BBC via the RIIA. Roman Catholic riots were fomented MI6's Jesuit-directed IRA against Belfast during the 1960s to give credence to this calculated deception. It worked.
Now that Paisley has submitted Northern Ireland to the coalition government with Jerry Adams and Martin McGuiness, he has served his purpose---wonderfully! Paisley enabled the Jesuits to take their final step towards the ultimate annihilation of Irish Protestantism---a most necessary step of there is to be a Roman Catholic European Union under the command of the pope of Rome! English Protestantism is gone; Scottish Protestantism is finished; and Irish Protestantism in now down for the count---facilitated by Ian Paisley!
Lord Bless,
Brother Eric"
I'll continue to look for the e-mail exchange you have referred to but if you come across it before I do, would you be so kind as to post it . . I would greatly appreciate it.
It really is tragic that so many poor souls are deluded / duped by both the pope of Rome and pope paisley!
Thanks again,
Mrs. O'Leary
Sorry I cannot recollect were I read the excahnge at the minute, it may have been Vatican Assassins site. I will try to find it again.
What you have posted contains the broad thrust of what was said.
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