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Saturday, 25 June 2011


One drawback facing aged men who may have embarrassing information is CDS, Convenient Death Syndrome.  Whenever some one in their 80`s dies of a heart attack or other age related illness it normally does not raise an eyebrow.  Two  such cases have hit the news headlines in recent days which illustrate this syndrome.

 James Bulger

Just this week a certain 82 year old James Bulger was arrested in California.  Bulger has unfortunately been caught with having a headful of knowledge which could incriminate  quite a lot of seeming "respectable" individuals.

One intriguing entrance on his wikipedia page claims he was involved in the MK ULTRA mind control project.
 "In the 1950s Bulger was first in federal custody at Atlanta Penitentiary (1956–1959) for armed robbery and hijacking. There, according to mobster Kevin Weeks,[21] he was involved in the MK-ULTRA program, the goal of which was to research mind-control drugs for the Central Intelligence Agency, headed by CIA chemist Sidney Gottlieb.[22]

For eighteen months, Bulger and eighteen other inmates who had volunteered to lessen their sentences were given LSD and other drugs.[21]

Bulger later complained that he and the other inmates had been "recruited by deception," and that they were told that they were helping to find "a cure for schizophrenia".[23]"

Bulger is going to find they not only haves cures for schizophrenia, they have also cures for embarrassing old men who know too much!

The second case was not given to much publicity in the UK though it is a wonderful example of CDS.  It was the case of a certain Sammy Ofer.

Sammy was also suspected of being caught with a headful of knowledge which could embarrass, the US political elite, the Israeli political elite and the Iranian political elite among probably many others. Naturally Sammy conveniently died, he was 89 after all?

 Sammy Ofer
Some one once said, "Behind every great fortune there is a crime"!

Psalm 90:10 10The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away.

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