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Wednesday 10 February 2010


Brian Lennon

They switch "the Troubles" on, then they switch them off and no one knows how it is done! The only countries in history from Reformation times who have ever prospered are the ones who kick these monsters out.

"The Jesuits were making a big effort at the time to get back into N.Ireland."

They control Garvaghy Rd "residents groups" and the OO leadership as well as MI5, strange but true!

2 Timothy 3:12-14
12Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.
13But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.
14But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them;


Unknown said...


Very interesting read!

They certainly are a cunning and crafty breed!

"Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made." Gen. 3:1a

Didn't Russia kick these characters out? ?

I thought you might find this related article entitled 'Roman Catholic principles of corruption in Italy: an interview with Domenico Pacitti' of interest.

Link: http://www.justresponse.net/explaining_corruption.html

This brief excerpt of an interview with Domenico Pacitti, an Italian university professor and Editor of a periodical called 'JUST RESPONSE' enlarges upon ROME's unbiblical Doctrine of Forgiveness. The last sentence sums up their ethos . . philosophy nicely!

JUST Response: And how are these Roman Catholic principles applied to corruption in Italy?

Pacitti: I think the principles I've just outlined speak for themselves and I have, as you know, tried to spell out some of the consequences in a whole series of earlier articles, some of which can be read on JUST Response.

So, to give a different example, compatibly with this philosophy, tax evasion, undeclared cash in foreign bank accounts, breach of building regulations and other illegal activities are regularly “forgiven” under special amnesties and the transgressor ends up paying the government a fine usually amounting to much less than he would have paid had it been done legally in the first place. Again, able lawyers can take advantage of the labyrinth of Italian laws in order to clear wealthy clients of just about anything. Those who actually go to prison are often petty criminals who simply can’t afford proper legal representation. There are no real deterrents to discourage serious criminals. There have been some rather grotesque examples of gold ingots and wads of bank notes either sewn into the upholstery of sofas and armchairs of high officials’ lounges or else buried in their back gardens, gigantic sums of money in foreign bank accounts, salaries and privileges for politicians that are nothing short of scandalous, and much much more. All of this reflects a level of greed and egoism in Italy’s dead souls that can only be described as pathological.

So Roman Catholicism in Italy has basically replaced the concept of justice with the doctrine of forgiveness. That is really the root of the whole problem.

Mrs. O'Leary

