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Friday, 12 February 2010
Just like how everybody can see through Gerry, J118, Peter, PopeLundy1, Willie, Nelson and the "Paedo Agreement" con-job.
The "clever device" story gave Stephen Nolan a full weeks worth of radio fodder. It is unlikely any KOBA party figure is going to step forth for interview on tonight`s show, they will all be keeping theirs heads down I expect.
A new perspective was given to this "clever device" story every day, apparently it now now in the hands of Lord Lundy "Cheif Whip" of KOBA. (The Koba party give a whole new meaning to the term "Cheif Whip.") Peter, Nelson and David KOBA are all upset at Gerry the Brit`s statement about Orange Marches. Why do they take Gerry so seriously? Every one else disregards what he says as he is a proven compulsive liar. So much so it makes you wonder why the press interview him at all.
I do not know why Gerry gets upset at Peter`s statements no one but Gerry, Ken Reid and Mark Devenport believe him or take him seriously. Plus the Irish News are still digging in Peter`s very vulnerable political lobbying/financial dealing/property developer patch.
Obviously Eileen is not to impressed with Pinnochio Punt at the minute either. Looks very like the kiss of political death for Peter and Nelson. Nelson was never very popular with the VIP Lundy family which makes his rise up the ranks all the more surprising. Very definitely a story for a good investigative journalist to look into.
Having said all that, this is arguably still the strangest news story in the history of N.Ireland. Perhaps Stephen Nolan could contact Willie and see if he still stands over it?
Failed politicians should always remember, there is always the Hitler escape root!
What to do when the "clever device" does not work;
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More hollow words from the very man that epitomizes the 'ART OF THE DEAL'. He seems to have both a short and convenient loss of memory.
Remember this:
Belfast's Paisley Loses his Flock
Sept. 10, 2007 / TIME.com
“A deal was crafted that allows Paisley to step down without a vote. In return, critical articles were taken off the Internet by his opponents, although they described his removal as "a start."
The move is a worrying sign that despite Paisley's credentials as the longtime firebrand militant leader of the most uncompromising wing of the pro-British loyalist community, his path of compromise has failed to convince large sections of the Protestant community. Mindful of concerns among his base, Paisley's party has suggested that public contact between him and McGuiness might be scaled back. But the settlement that brought them together remains sound. Paisley has been in politics almost as long as he's been in the pulpit: he ensured that his rivals for the unionist vote were beaten at the ballot box before he took the plunge with Sinn Fein, so his internal critics currently have nowhere to go. Politically, he can afford the loss of his church. The Free Presbyterians, when children are counted, still amount to only a little over 5% of the DUP's vote.
Paisley preached as normal later on the Sunday morning of the church coup, and had put his First Minister's hat back on by Monday afternoon. He talked about making sure their political apparatus represents "all sections of society": practically that means his office funds things like Belfast's growing gay pride festival, even as Paisley the preacher continues to condemn "sodomites." It's a contradiction much of Northern Ireland can live with. In a society plagued by religious division, Ian Paisley may have become the unlikely example of the separation between church and state.”
Link: http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1660480,00.html?xid=feed-cnn-topics
This may interest you. If you check the date of the article you may still be able to hear the actual mp3 audio on sermonfraudio of PopeLundy1 telling his listeners "his version" of what went on during the Presbytery meeting when he agreed to stand down.
Far-fetched is an understatement.
Thanks Sam . . along with the ART of the DEAL, Paisley has elevated double-speak to an art form!
I really am quite surprised that this article of June 10, 2007 entitled
'Paisley: the price I paid to cut DEAL', with the overwhelming majority of the 192 comments posted being negative towards Paisley, remains accessible at SermonAudio.
As merely an objective observer, I do believe the price he paid and continues to pay, is zero credibility in both his political and religious camps.
Link: http://www.sermonaudio.com/new_details.asp?ID=23828
Mrs. O'Leary
minus zero credibilty and still falling. lol
He never in his wildest dreams believed the "Church Presbytery" was going to go against him. Even the local MSM were taken by surprise.
He and his cronies pulled every dirty trick in the book to try and silence all internal "Church opposition".
Now all the Yes men are suspected of being "compromised by Vatican controlled MI5."
They are going to very very sorry men.
It is not a very good idea for any true Bible Believing Church to let any of it`s ministers or elders belong to ANY KIND of "secret society."
Quite a number of Pink Presbyterian Ministers are members of OO, Independent OO and Apprentice Girls.
Sam wrote:
"It is not a very good idea for any true Bible Believing Church to let any of it`s ministers or elders belong to ANY KIND of "secret society."
Quite a number of Pink Presbyterian Ministers are members of OO, Independent OO and Apprentice Girls."
Sam . . I am SO GLAD you have so said! I could not agree with you more as this goes to "biblical separation".
Is Ivan Foster or John Greer a member of any of these secret societies?
Mrs. O'Leary
As far as I know Foster is definitley not, Greer I do not think so either. Though there may be quite a few In Greer`s congregation who may be members.
It would probably be quite a shock for them to be told the Vatican runs "the secret societies" everwhere, even in Ballymena!
It`s all a piece of cake to take over a country once you control its "Intelligence agencies." You can then feed the population any "strong delusion" you want them to believe.
The Pink Presbyterians really believed they were "the Worlds leading, informed, strong, Biblically sound Protestant denomination."
When "the crunch came" most of them caved in.
There is quite a famous charcter in Belfast folklore called "Buck Alec Robinson." Many years ago he was asked, "What is the difference between people today (aprrox 1982) and the 1920`s when you were a young man?"
"Those were the days when men were men and pansies were only flowers." was his reply! He must have had the Pink Presbyterians in mind!
Popelundy1 attended his funeral, lots of Unionist politicians wanted to be seen at it, they thought it gave them some sort of street cred. If they had lived at the same time as him they would all have run a a mile or hid under the bed.
google "Buck Alec Robinson" lol there is even a wikipedia page about him.
If you don't mind my saying so . . in this environment, it's getting harder and harder to know who the "good guys" are!
"Let God be true, but every man a liar." (Rom. 3:4)
Good nite my friend,
Mrs. O'Leary
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