The insidious progress of the sodomite movement in the UK and rest of the world could not have taken place unless it had the open or tacit approval of the nations legislators. The statement of the daughter of the unspeakably corrupt Israeli PM Ehud Olmert demonstrates how those in positions of privlege know exactly what they are doing and how they intend to extend their influence.
The following exert is taken from an Israel National News source.
Prime Minister's Daughter
Dana Olmert, the Prime Minister's daughter, came out publicly today in favor of the homosexual march. An avowed lesbian, Ms. Olmert said, "The question of why we march in Jerusalem is one that doesn't even deserve a response. It's like asking why people should have the right to vote. This parade is a political event, and as such, we need not ask permission to do it... If someone asks why we are holding it in Jerusalem, I simply say, 'Sorry, I have no dialogue with you.'" Dana Olmert said that she is pleased with the controversy the parade has aroused, and hopes it will bring more and more people "out of the closet."
When political and religious leaders are compromised by their own children, they can be manipulated into anything.
Rev 11:8 And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Eygpt, where also our Lord was crucified.
Many generations of Christians have wondered why and how the words of Rev 11:8 were used to describe Jerusalem, perhaps the words of the daughter of one of Israel`s ruling elite explain everything to believers today.
The story of how the so-called Jewish "religious leaders" seem to oppose the sodomite agenda with their public statements yet at the same time do all they can to undermine any tangible public protest will be left to another day!
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Thursday, 21 June 2007
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