Popular Posts Of Last Seven Days
According to various news sources Brady has been "elevated" to the status of apprentice Antichrist. Pope Lundy1 has "CONGRATU...
Ryan Giggs thinks he is George Best! The "super injunction fiasco" continues in the UK. The Sun newspaper carries an article c...
Mr Cmore Sweeny, picture by courtesy of Christmyhero website. Mr Sweeny may like the colour "blue" judging by this picture. 1 Fool...
Anyone trying to understand the depth of treachery which has taken place within "Protestantism" in N.Ireland over the last few yea...
http://www.bcmchess.co.uk/monarch2007/index.html I will be giving time to prepare to play in a chess tournament in the lovely Isle Of Man....
Have the VBC ever showed this clip about "The patron saint of widows and orphans?" Whitewashing the past has now turned into a 24/...
BANBRIDGE PP Circus Could not stop laughing today when a friend relayed the story to me of a PP "wolf in sheeps clothing" declarin...
When,where and how did it all begin? When,where and how will it all end? I wonder if Tamar Yonah`s very interesting article, "IF I WER...
A most unusual career end for a so-called "Bible-believing" Protestant, relegation to the "House of Horrors" at Westmins...
Huma Abedin With Hilary Clinton A friend who is very well informed about these matters has told me there is a very big story involving this...
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