David Lundy the KOBA MP for Upper Bann has made yet another plea for "Unionist Unity." His plea on first reading seems very welcoming for all Unionists, I will send him an email welcoming his positive approach.
Dear David,
I have read your statement regarding the need for Unionist Unity. I would very much like to work with you. There is one small matter which concerns me, perhaps you could clear it up. Is all the information on the Bohemians website is true or false?
Here is my website, http://psalm79.blogspot.com/ please have a look at it and let me know what role I could play in the new United Unionism. I do look forward to working with you in the cause of "Unionist Unity."
PS I hear there is a very big possiblility Denny Vitty could become embroiled in the "Property wheeling and dealing saga." Peter could be in big trouble if Vitty talks and I think he will. This is confidential info please keep it to yourself.
Yours Sam Flanagan
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