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Monday 30 June 2008


Marty and his tea boy. "Do as you are told Peter, or you will face an election, and hurry up with the tea"

Whatever happened to Peter’s quest for “Britishness?” Just a few days after his patriotic fervour he is now seen to be posturing over the issue of policing and justice. Why not insist P+J must be devolved to local British citizens who are elected representatives rather than haggled over with mass-murdering IRA/MI5 agents. It certainly would give a boost to the Lundy’s intended “Britishness” crusade.

By the way there is work going on in Belfast shipyard for the MOD. Only British nationals are allowed to work on the project, if this becomes public knowledge it will cause an uproar.
If only British nationals are allowed to construct British submarine parts, then it stands to reason only British nationals should be allowed to hold P+J powers in Britain.

Peter will deliver policing and justice in accordance with IRA/MI5 wishes or face an election. Punt definitely does not want to face an election that is for sure.

Nigel "Greed is good" Lundy

Nigel Lundy intends to crack down on civil servants abusing “sick leave.” He would set a better example if he started to deal with the multi-jobbing, money-grabbing conmen and women in his own political party before he starts straightening others out. He could start with himself.
Deputy Leader
All these jobs could not involve much work or he would be so stressed out he would be on “sick leave.”

Remember the unofficial motto of the Lundy party is; "GREED IS GOOD, GREED IS VERY GOOD."

Biggest laugh of all is Marty urging “dissidents” to persue the path of peace. They proably would "persue the path of peace" if someone arranged a £64,000,000 Northern Bank redundancy payment for them!

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