This is the commencement of a little experiment in charity fundraising. A fiction novel has been commenced, the link is above.
It will not be published for profit through a usual publisher. A weblog and facebook page will be set up and readers will be able to freely read, print, or in Steven Lundy`s case plagiarise, readers can even take the storyline and elaborate on the story themselves.
All that will be asked is that you donate a sum of money of your own choice to Help for Heroes
Or you can choose to donate money to the annual Poppy Day Appeal.
Alternatively you can donate something to a charity of your own choice.
Kenneth Branagh or Hugh Grant will probably take it and turn it into a movie, there is no problem with that as long as they donate the proceeds to charity!
I do hope Frederick Forsythe has no objection to the title, if he does it will just have to be changed to something else.
Note, by specifically pointing out the Help For Heroes charity or the Poppy Day Appeal does not mean that I specifically endorse the miltiary campaign in Iraq or Afghanistan or endorse the "British" governments who sent British troops into these situations.
Ecclesiastes 12:12
And further, by these, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh.
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