Popular Posts Of Last Seven Days
Mervy Lundy aka Mervyn Storey The whole thing is ludicrous. I mean who would have an "affair" with thon (the last bit is in Ulster...
Matt Baggott`s statement comes as no surprise given the news stories of the last few days. There must be lots of former "handlers"...
"Willie Donaldson?" I had never heard of him before. Had to look it up, a thoroughly unsavoury character. Carly Simon fairly knows...
This is an unusually good piece of news/comment for what generally passes for news in the UK. I hope there is a follow up piece to this. 1 T...
Arlene Lundy Ken Reid in his latest article gives a hilarious illustration of how far MSM journalists are out of touch with reality. He act...
Malachi O`Doherty Malachi O`Doherty a psuedo-intellectual without the intellect, has been "waxing eloquent" upon the museum and ...
Notice how they immediately jump to humanistic conclusion in this story. Evolutionary theory is falsely promoted as fact. Needless to say D...
The emblem of Pink Presbyteriansism Almost a week has passed since the call was made from within Pink Presbyterianism for Pink Presbyterian...
Is Rupert giving a Red Hand of Ulster salute? An expected apology is to appear in the MSM tomorrow for the behaviour of the Vatican espion...
It is not very often MSM links Adolf Hitler with Roman Catholicism, for some strange reason the Guardian has run this story which contains c...
Wednesday, 25 May 2011
When you read the first story which has appeared in the Guardian, the second story will not be such a surprise.
Vatican aids escaping Nazis. This has been well known for years, this is just providing more documentation.
Sister 'shocked' by killer's Stormont Terrocracy role.
All the Lundy morons who sold the GFA to the "Unionist" community must be feeling very proud of themselves.
When your morality is the morality described below you can get away with anything. You can deceive anyone, rob anyone and murder anyone. The Vatican will always bail you out if you are important enough to their strategy.
1 Tim 4:1-3
1Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;
2Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;
3Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.
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