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Thursday, 18 March 2010
It is very unusual for scoundrels like Robin Eames, Ken Newell, Harold Good etc, to maintain their patronising, sanctimonious, ecumenical, mindnumbing drivel when evil forces attack society. Why are all these Babylonians from the so-called "Protestant Churches" saying nothing about the ongoing sexual abuse scandals and cover-ups?
Have these Babylonianised denominations been involved in the same things? Why do they all want to be on friendly terms with Babylonian priests anyway?
The latest revelations are a stark reminder why believers should not be involved with religious charlatans.
Amos 3:3
Can two walk together, except they be agreed?
2 Corinthians 6:14
Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?
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Sam wrote:
"Why are all these Babylonians from the so-called "Protestant Churches" saying nothing about the ongoing sexual abuse scandals and cover-ups?"
Source: NEWS LETTER – Belfast
Link: http://www.newsletter.co.uk/columnists/Catholic-church-will-not-be.6165366.jp
Catholic church will not be able to cover up it's crimes
Published Date: 19 March 2010
"IF something is right it is consistent with facts or beliefs.
It adheres to conventional ideas of morality, propriety and decorum.
It is conformation to what is expected of us. In fact, doing right goes beyond the letter of the law, it exemplifies the spirit of the law. When we are genuine in our desire to do right, we willingly and deliberately avoid even the appearance of wrong.
Recently there has been no better example of this than in the whole business of Parliamentary expenses. Things that were legally OK according to the rules governing claims, have completely skewed the spirit of the rules and brought disgrace to the good name of Parliament.
The same principle of doing right can be applied to every walk of life.
My old friend, the late Dr Jones Sr always put it like this: "It is never right to do wrong to do right. Do right should the stars fall."
Cardinal Brady is learning this week that no matter who you are, no matter how personable you may be, no matter your position, wrongdoing is the undoing of right."
Note the reference to the quote of Bob Jones Sr., “It is never right to do wrong to do right.” I wonder
if he read Ivan Foster's rebuke of him made in this very context here:
“That which is wrong in the light of God’s truth never can become right, no matter what cir-cumstances may arise. It was wrong in the past for the murderers of Sinn Fein/IRA to be placed in government.
That was plainly stated in a statement issued by our Presbytery in 1998. Since then, Sinn Fein/IRA may have undergone some peripheral alterations to their political stance but they remain loyal to the actions that took place during their 30 years of terrorist war against the majority of the population in Northern Ireland. They have made that abundantly clear by their celebrating of the attack upon Loughall police station in 1987 when 8 of their killers were shot dead by the security forces. Smiles and platitudes do not evidence a change of heart.”
PopeLundy`s statements carry no credibility whatsoever. I do not even bother looking them up.
He was severely exposed during the expenses debacle. Notice he uses the term "the good name of parliament." If he had been taking the stand everyone was lead to believe he was, he would be telling the British public "parliament does not have a good name." It is a Vatican controlled phoney government set-up.
Personally speaking, I do not believe PopeLundy writes all the newspaper columns which he puts his name to.
Willie Frazer raises a major point on the FAIR site. If the Babylonian church in N.Ireland is going to be investigated because of "child abuse" then it also must be investigated for its role in facilitating "terrorism."
It is a pity you cannot watch videos on the internet. There is a good series on Youtube called "Loyalists" it was made by British journalist Peter Taylor. It gives some good background material and video clips from the early 60 and 70s.
PopeLundy and his denomination have lost all credibilty, they are not in a position to condemn Babylonianism or anyone else. The "Biblical principles which they applied to everyone else they have failed to apply to themselves. Many people are expecting even worse to come.
Amen Sam,
Thanks for adding your thoughtful comments and analysis . . they are most appreciated. I am aware of the 'expense scandal' and that it why I found his comments incredulous to say the least. I'm not sure who is more deficient in moral authority . . the R.C. "church" or Ian Paisley?
W. Frazer's commentary speaks volumes as well.
Mrs. O'Leary
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