After playing a significant role in yesterday`s blatant attempt tp rewrite history can there be any doubt the so-called "British" Broadcasting Corporation BBC, ought to be rightly renamed the VBC the Vatican Broadcasting Association.
May God curse her and all who sail in her!
I saw the VBC Broadcast . . and even for a casual observer as myself, the blatant bias in their reporting was plain to see.
As I watched the celebratory mood of the crowd of Nationalist / Catholics gathered in London, I got the sense that they felt this report served not only to vindicate them by absolving them of any guilt on this tragic day, but also served to justify the bloodbath the IRA inflicted on the population of N.I. over the next 30 years that followed on as well.
It really was a very disturbing spectacle to watch.
I do wonder what is going on in the mind and heart of Ian Paisley at this time.
I honestly don't know how he can live with himself.
"Woe unto them . . .
Which justify the wicked for reward, and take away the righteousness of the righteous from him!" (Is. 5:22-23)
I frankly don't see how this development, as some have said, will bring closure and further the cause of "Truth and Reconciliation" in N.I.?
Mrs. O'Leary
The "Truth and Reconcilliation" goobedegook is all phony, it is all classical jesuitical double-speak.
As to Ian Paisley and his cronies, this will give you a good laugh. They have declared a day of "prayer and fasting" against the propsed Antichrist visit to the UK.
The very same people are enabling the machinations of the Vatican to be carried out in N.Ireland via the GFA and the St AA.
It must be obvious to even a casual observer like yourself, there is something very sinister about the lengths to which the "British" government will go to protect Martin J118 McGuniness, who "PROBABLY" had a machine gun.
They were willing to betray their own soldiers in order to protect
Unionists have voted to embrace Popery, they will now get their fill of it.
This eyewitness account seriously calls into question who fired the first shot:
Link: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-1286646/BLOODY-SUNDAY-INQUIRY-Brave-British-soldiers-branded-criminals.html
'It wasn't Blair who brought peace to Ulster but brave British soldiers about to be branded as criminals'
By General Sir Michael Rose
"But what I find perhaps most distasteful about this 12-year-long inquiry is that the role of British soldiers in Northern Ireland has been brushed aside for the sake of political expediency.
The truth is that peace was brought to the Province not by Prime Minister Blair, kowtowing to former terrorists such as Gerry Adams and Martin McGuinness.
It came to Northern Ireland as a result of the courage of the British Army, the Ulster Defence Regiment, the Royal Ulster Constabulary and the intelligence services.
By the time Blair offered this inquiry as a sop to Republicans, the IRA had already been militarily defeated by the very soldiers whose reputation he knew it would undermine.
The events of Bloody Sunday were terrifying, fast-moving and chaotic. But as I told the inquiry when called as a witness, there is one thing of which I am absolutely certain.
It was the IRA who started the firing with the Thompson machine gun - and, inflammatory though it may sound, I believe they started firing with the express intention of causing civilian deaths.
The security forces' policy was to contain the nationalist civilian protest planned that day behind steel barriers in the Bogside - to prevent them from entering the Protestant area of the city. The Army was on one side of the barriers, the protest on the other.
'Of one thing I'm certain, it was the IRA who started the firing'"
I guess the testimony of this eyewitness, a man, who appears to have unimpeachable
credentials, has been dismissed in favor of the testimony offered by the likes of Martin McGuinness!
What a bloody cover-up!
Mrs. O'Leary
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