The highly bigotted Babylonians in high places are determined to erase all traces of historic Biblical enlightenment from the face of British society. This is a story that creeps into the news at regular intervals, changing the Act Of Settlement.
These benighted individuals know very well why the act of Settelment was established in the first place, to ensure the liberties of the nation and individual. Civil and national liberites do not flourish under Babylonianism as we find out to our cost in N.Ireland. No doubt they would be happy to do away with the monarchy and welcome being reigned directly by the Antichrist himself direct from the Vatican. They would regard this as "progress."
Act Of Settlement.
1 The Legal Background
According to common law, the title to the crown of England descends lineally to the issue of the reigning sovereign, males being preferred to females, and subject to the right of primogeniture. The common law provisions are subject to certain statutory limitations as to religion and with particular reference to Roman Catholics. These are the Bill of Rights 1688, the Act of Settlement 1700 and the Act of Union 1700, all reinforced by the provisions of the Coronation Oath Act 1680 and the Accession Declaration Act 1910. 1
1.1 Bill of Rights 1688
Until the Bill of Rights 1688 there was nothing on the statute book to prevent the monarch from being a Roman Catholic.2 Shortly after his accession in 1685 James II prorogued Parliament and, although it was not dissolved until July 1687, it never met again. Thus at his departure there was no Parliament, and the Convention Parliament summoned by William of Orange before his accession was inevitably irregularly convened. The House of Commons resolved in January 1688:
That King James II having endeavoured to subvert the constitution of the kingdom by breaking the original contract between the King and people and by the advice of Jesuits and other wicked persons having violated the fundamental laws; and having withdrawn himself out of this kingdom; has abdicated the government; and that the throne is thereby vacant.
3 On 12 February 1688 a declaration was drawn up affirming the rights and liberties of the people and conferring the crown upon William and Mary, then Mary's children, and, failing any heirs, Princess Anne and her heirs; and failing also that, William’s heirs. Once the declaration had been accepted by William and Mary, it was published as a proclamation. The declaration was subsequently enacted with some additions in the form of the Bill of Rights 1688, and the Acts of the Convention Parliament were subsequently ratified and confirmed by the Crown and Parliament Recognition Act 1689 which also acknowledged the King and Queen. In this way, the Bill of Rights was confirmed by a Parliament summoned in a constitutional manner and thereby acquired the force of a legal statute and appears as such on the statute book.
4 The portion of the Bill of Rights affecting the right of succession reads as follows:
And whereas it hath beene found by experience that it is inconsistent with the safety and welfaire of this protestant kingdome to be governed by a popish prince or by any King or Queene marrying a papist the said lords spirituall and temporall and commons doe further pray that it may be enacted that all and every person and persons that is are or shall be reconciled to or shall hold communion with the see or church of Rome or shall professe the popish religion or shall marry a papist shall be excluded and be for ever uncapeable to inherit possesse or enjoy the crowne and government of this realme and Ireland and the dominions thereunto belonging or any part of the same or to have use or exercise any regall power authoritie or jurisdiction within the same.
Instead of changing the Act of Settlement we need a law introduced that calls for the banning of all Babylonians who are members of "secret societies" from holding public office.
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