1983: IRA members jailed for 4,000 years
Same type of scenario repeating itself in the middle east today. News reports indicate secret contacts between 3 Euro intelligence agencies and Hamas.

He lives safely in Damascus while his more gullible "troops" spend their lives carrying out mass murder in a futlie quest to find 70 black eyed virgins. EU officials reportedly conducting secret meetings with Hamas
First known victim of LYINGBELLYITUS. A curious affliction which now seems confined to DUP elected representatives.
1993: Child killed in Warrington bomb attack
A few days after this bomb attack in England, Major said in parliament, quote from Hansard;
The Prime Minister : As ever, the hon. Gentleman is very lucid, and as almost ever, he is entirely wrong. If the implication of his remarks is that we should sit down and talk with Mr. Adams and the Provisional IRA, I can say only that that would turn my stomach and those of most hon. Members ; we will not do it. If and when there is a total ending of violence, and if and when that ending of violence is established for a significant time, we shall talk to all the constitutional parties that have people elected in their names. I will not talk to people who murder indiscriminately.
Shortly after Major`s statement he and his colleagues were publicly exposed as liars. Not that this matters in British politics.
1993: Secret meetings with IRA revealed
Much has been written about the "secret meetings" since 1993 and there is probably much more to come out. What has been clarified is the identity of 2 of the contacts Alec Reid and Denis Bradley.
Who said religion and politics do not mix?
Strange thing that "secret meetings" between Euro intell and Hamas start shortly after the Pope`s puppet Peres becomes President. Israeli`s should learn from our mistakes, we did not take situation as seriously as we should have!
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