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Thursday 28 April 2011


Quite a number of commenters on the internet have noted the different levels of public scrutiny applied to the women involved in the super-injunction tyranny scandal. 

Imogen Thomas and Helen Wood have been given the full tabloid treatment. However Alice Miles, or should it be Malice Miles? has been given very little attention by the Tabloids.  Who is the father of her child?  How did she get to be such an  influential media whore?

A "Protected species"
I did notice Malice Miles indulge in quite a degree of anti Protestant rhetoric in her pathetic scribblings.  You can only wonder if Malice is a protected species. 

It has been most remarkable that not one of N.Ireland`s elite media whores have mentioned the superinjunction tyranny scandal. Mark Davenport of the VBC has not, Ken Reid of UTV has not, Eamon O`Mallie Peter`s pet has not, Derek Henderson has not. 

Even Stephen Nolan has not broached the issue, Stephen prefers examining the Shankill Butchers, neither has anyone on Slugger O`Toole. Quite a number of people`s credibility is at stake over this issue.

What about this for a "controversial" scripure passage.
Deuteronomy 23:17

There shall be no whore of the daughters of Israel, nor a sodomite of the sons of Israel.

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