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Sunday 2 September 2007


Psalm 37:7 Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for him: fret not thyself because of him who prospereth in his way, because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass.

Stanley Barnes:Pink Pulpiteer

Apologist for spiritual and political Lundyism. Stanley used to flog used sermon books to Whitefield College Bible students, after he had preached them of course. He used to be a big fan of Adrian Rodgers, still is maybe. Adrian was an Arminian, Stanley probably does not know what that means.
He has been preaching on Psalm 37 in the "Ichabod Memorial"; v 7 is a good description of himself and his Boss. It is widely suspected Stanley`s plan is to fit Gary Goodes into the Hillsborough Pink Presbyterian Church.
Stanley`s legacy: From selling dodgey used books to selling dodgey political and theological sellouts!

Geoff Abrahams: From the pig`s house to God`s house.

You will soon be back to the pig`s house Geoffrey, if the "sheeple" ever catch on to you! He is probably deluding himself he is going to be elected Pope Lundy the second.

These are 2 of the characters who signed a declaration in 1998 denouncing the s0-called "Belfast Agreement." Their behaviour in recent times has shown them to be be deceivers and liars. Their reward for spiritual lundyism is an invitation to preach in the "Ichabod Memorial Church" when Pope Lundy1 goes on holiday!

It is time for Christians to ascertain where every minister and elder stands regarding the establishing of Terrocracy and funding of immorality in the "New Ulster". If they support it, GET RID OF THEM!


martin walker said...

I understand Lundy Mercyless is also in the running for Hillsborough. Previously clsoe to Ivan foster he has been very quiet of late !


Most of them have been very quiet of late!
Should be a very interesting week ahead!