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Thursday 17 March 2011


Libyan opposition are obviously Glasgow Rangers supporters.

Despite days of misleading reporting by western MSM it is clear by now the opposition forces in Libya have not collapsed, nor are they on the brink of collapse.

A number of commenters on the internet have made the suggestion western MSM have started propagating Gaddafi`s propaganda after a number of VBC journalists were brutally treated and other MSM journalists kidnapped.

However some of the reporting today seems to be gradually painting a very different picture. In the report above the people are not asking for charity from western powers they are willing to pay for any support given and are willing to happily greet any USA aid.

Another report from Sky has eventually acknowledged what Libyan oppostion sources have been claiming for days.
Why on earth have MSM been so willing to accept Gaddafi`s version of events over the past few days?. Quite a few western news outlets have been trying to convince westen public opinion Gaddafi`s triumph is inevitable therefore there is no point in western intervention.

An investigation into the bank balances of western "journalists" who have been propagating this defeatist line would probably be quite revealing.

Here is another individual whose background should come under close scrutiny. A certain James Clapper, he was to the fore in propagting a Gaddafi victory. Who and what is JAMES CLAPPER?

Naturally, it goes without saying, you will find a link to the Jesuit Georgetown University!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That is how you can tell the Libyan uprising is genuine, people like the Jesuit linked Clapper do not want it to succeed!!!!!!!

It would look very bad for westen powers if the Libyan opposition actually managed to withstand Gaddafi`s present onslaught and eventually defeat him without any outside aid. The American political elite must find this a frightening prospect hence the present change of mood.

Jeremiah 17:9
The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?

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