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Wednesday, 30 September 2009
Lianne Frauds and Field-Marshall GD are taking a very close interest in Israel.
Dodds appointed to Euro Parliament delegation to Israel....
They will probably set up a phony "Cosmetic Retails Business" selling "Lagan River Cosmetics," in shopping malls throughout Israel. It is a very good way to get the hold of unsuspecting peoples credit card details and if you really put your mind to it, there is no end to the enterprising scenarios which will have a very big pay day further down the road!
Who would have believed it J118 is a "friend" of Israel!
It will of course be masterminded by by Britain`s version of Eli Cohen, TumbleDown Dick Lundy Jnr! I will watch out for some seeming harmless "Cosmetic Company" setting up its headquarters at the "Innovation Center N.Ireland Science Park" formerly known as "the shipyard" or by it`s other former name "UVF Headquarters."
If these two wasters want to help the people of Israel all they have to do is call for an "International Inquiry" into the murder of Yitzak Rabin by the EU Parliament. They would become very popular in Israel but unpopular everywhere else!
Jer 30:7 Alas! for that day is great, so that none is like it: it is even the time of Jacob’s trouble; but he shall be saved out of it.
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