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Tuesday, 8 September 2009


Spot the tout picture?
Using sophistry that would embarrass Al Capone, Gerry Adams claims IRA/MI5 support the case of IRA/MI5 victims against Libya! He goes even further and claims he too is "a victim."

These characters have no shame and whoever advises them in what to say, like Alex Reid for example, have imbibed the evil and convoluted logic of Jesuitism to the extent they now believe their own lies! What about the many years they have spent describing themselves as "volunteers" or the even more grandiose notion of "combatants."

If Gerry had not been assured he was a protected species over the past four decades, I have a strange feeling he would have happily stuck to being an obscure barman! The same applies to J118!

"Paisley made me do it!"

Another sorry individual who will soon be claiming he too is a victim! Peter Punt appears to be doing his best to implement TUV policies, all in a desperate effort to save his political skin. He will probably claim, "Ian Paisley made me do it!" There will not be many Unionist voters left who are very impressed with Peter`s skills as leadership material. He is going to go the same way as, O`Neill, Clarke, Faulkner and Paisley!

Libyan claims could explode in VIP faces!

I have read a report of American congressmen and senators wanting to meet the terrorist victims who are taking the case against Libya. I have no doubt many congressmen and senators will want Libya to buy off the claimants with large-scale compensation asap, before any court case reveals the dirty dealings of USA interests in the middle east. They may not like the idea of Gadaffi making victims of them and destroying their political careers and reputations! Who knows we may even find out the British government allowed Libya to arm IRA/MI5!

Jer 2:34 Also in thy skirts is found the blood of the souls of the poor innocents: I have not found it by secret search, but upon all these.

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