TumbleDown Dick; His only crime was GREED.
Do not become the fall guy for your spineless party colleagues TumbleDown, MAKE SURE THEY FALL WITH YOU! LOL
The following statement is a fitting summary of the Rise and Fall of TumbeDown Dick Lundy Jr.
Tuesday 14th December 1999 during a Stormont Assembley debate;
Mr Paisley Jnr:
If the Member is confirming that his party will be proposing more and more junior Ministers and that he wants those posts because he probably will not get this one - he got a chairmanship last week - that is a matter for him, and I look forward to those proposals.
My party has made its position clear in the amendment, and anyone who supports our position can vote for the amendment. I hope that we will get support. It would not serve the purposes of open and transparent democracy for the motion in the name of the First Minister and the Deputy First Minister to be passed.
Before giving way to Mr Haughey I mentioned Sinn Féin's using this for cover because it wants these jobs for the boys. It believes that this is the way it can justify what it has been about over the years. The more jobs available, the more access to power Sinn Féin will get. Of course, it makes Bobby Sands's stance all the better. It proves that it was right. Sinn Féin wants these jobs only to undermine and destroy this country. It has no interest in preserving or defending it or making it run better.
Let me send a warning to the First Minister and the Deputy First Minister and to the parties. They will probably proceed with these appointments. They will pick party hacks and party faithful. We have already heard the public outcry against certain Ministers with links to terrorist organisations who are now in the new Executive. May I suggest that if they are interested in salvaging what little credibility they have, they should not appoint these junior Ministers. If they are to appoint junior Ministers, let them be careful about whom they do appoint.
According to speculation in the local press, certain names have been mentioned: people whom, in other places, the Law Society has described as unfit for public office; people who, in other places, have been told that they cannot practise alone as solicitors.
If that is the calibre of people that the two parties are going to select, God help this country, and God help good government here. It is wrong and obnoxious to have this increase in largesse for the sole purpose of feathering the nests of the First Minister's and the Deputy First Minister's parties.
End of Junior`s quote and the political end of Junior!!
It is a most appropriate time to remember the DUP Lundies rejected Biblical morality when they opted to form a Terrocratic structure with IRA/MI5. If TumbleDown`s party colleagues have now decided he is unfit for government because of his inapproriate behaviour regarding tens of thousands of pounds of public money, how can they justify the individuals below being fit for government when their crimes are of a greater nature?? They have salved their consciences, cured their stomach aches and bouts of sleeplessness with man`s ultimate remedy for evil. ££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££
1 Timothy 6:10 For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
Its the same reason for silent pulpits as well!
Is Gerry Kelly more fit for government than TumbleDown?
Are these two more fit to hold public office than TumbleDown?The morality of Terrocracy is the morality of the jungle. Junior has been the first political casuality who will be next?Willie McLundy will not last too long if some nasty journalist starts looking into his "business interests."