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Friday 6 June 2008


The Bible makes things simple, By their fruits shall ye know them............."Liars will tell lies."

Iris Punt is trying to turn the attention of everyone away from to her husbands predicament and she does this by trying to focus attention on the Sodomite topic. Her husband can use his influence to cease funding all projects which promote immorality and perversity.

Her "very lovely psychiatrist" who works with her in her offices does not happen to be called Ewan Cameron or Sidney Gottleib by any chance. Is Iris secretly running an MK Ultra project.

"Cameron was the author of the psychic driving concept which the CIA found particularly interesting. In it he described his theory on correcting madness, which consisted of erasing existing memories and rebuilding the psyche completely. After being recruited by the CIA, he commuted to Montreal every week to work at the Allan Memorial Institute of the McGill University, and was paid $69,000 from 1957 to 1964 to carry out MKULTRA experiments there. The CIA appears to have given him the potentially deadly experiments to carry out, as they would be tried on non-US citizens. However, documents released in 1977 revealed that thousands of unwitting, as well as voluntary subjects were tested on during that time period. These subjects included United States citizens."

It is a pity she does not have another " very lovely psychiatrist" working in her office who could turn people away from compulsive lying. Here are 2 individuals who need urgent help.

McLundy and Simpson sound like individuals who have been victims of MK Ultra. "SINN FEIN’S BLUFF HAS BEEN CALLED "

GERRY ADAMS: FAILED POLITICAL BLUFFER - SIMPSON. The full statements from these 2 can be read at the Lundy website.

Anyone interested in reading about how evil Phychiatrists can be should read the book "Journey into Madness" by Gordon Thomas.

Editorial Reviews
From Publishers Weekly

"William Buckley, the American murdered in Beirut in 1985 after his kidnap and torture by Arab extremists, was identified in the U.S. media as a "political attache" or "journalist." Basing his extraordinary investigative coup on interviews with scores of intelligence sources, including late CIA director William Casey, Thomas identifies Buckley as the CIA station chief in Beirut, an operative whose past operations included the surveillance of Egyptian president Anwar Sadat. The author ( Voyage of the Damned ; Pontiff ) pulls back the curtain over the CIA's use of medical torture and other government operations around the world, from Angola to Israel. He describes how Buckley was injected with drugs, physically abused and mentally befuddled by mind-control expert Aziz al-Abub. This Arab doctor was but one of many disciples of Ewen Cameron, a respected Montreal psychiatrist at McGill University enlisted by CIA director Allen Dulles in the 1950s to devise techniques to scramble victims' minds irreversibly. In a well-documented dossier that reads like a thriller, Thomas spills details of various operations, among them the CIA's alleged bugging of the Vatican and the Pope."

Iris should remind Peter what happened to Menachim Begin when he was lured into talks at Camp David. Begin was drugged, he then agreed to give away the Sinai, subsequently he had a complete mental disintegration.

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