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Friday 16 May 2008


Stormont "Christian Initiative". The following paragraph is from the highlighted website, although it sounds more like something from "Folks on the Hill" comedy show.

"In light of last year's success, 'The Stormont Christian Initiative' has been launched, with the aim of 'bringing Ireland in line with a new wind of the Spirit'. This 'new wind' is aligning nations and Christian believers within the nations to stand with the Jewish people from a more complete biblical perspective. It is in no way a political movement, however, it represents 'a fresh out-pouring of the Spirit of the Living God, in preparation for His soon return'. "

Jim Lundy has a brass neck, he and his lundy colleagues failed to stand up to the Satanic Babylonianism in N.Ireland, he and his colleagues were obviously not anointed "with a fresh out-pouring of the Spirit of the Living God,' when they caved in to the dreaded Plan B.

If Mr. Lundy wants to honour Israel or help the Israeli people he could urge his party MPs to table a motion at Westminster calling for an international enquiry into the murder of Yitsak Rabin. Any honest enquiry would lead directly to the door of the Vatican.

Little wonder there is no backbone in the DUP if this is an illustration of the type of theological influence they are aligning themselves with!

The people of Israel have their own political Lundy`s and religious traitors they do not need any more from N.Ireland to help them along the road to another holocaust.

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